

Software Projects

    Random Tables Toolkit.

    Logic & standardised helper libraries for random tables (for Tabletop RPGs).

    Card Prototyping Tool.

    A single Page card prototyping tool.

    Choose Your Own Adventure Tools.

    A selection of tools I've produced for a popular online imagination seed/game. Normally these are shared in an image format, using HTMl I've produced a selection of tools all as react-based, fully self-contained HTML files (so can be shared or ran from hard drive). The builder constructs an app that displays choices and lets you buy choices and even export your choices, this then ties in with the Journal which can import the choices. The Form constructs a HTML App by string joining the exported json, with a the code from the Builder as the other string section.

    Llyn Crafnant Cafe

    A website I made for a cafe run by people I know living in Wales.

    HomePage HTML App

    Self contained .html file you can open from a file on your desktop and use as an offline homepage, currently gets weather and has locally stored state for a Kanban/Trello style board.

    New Website

    Your looking at it! Originally built with preact, since moved to gatsby for SEO advantages and nice mix of react app & web page.

    User learning management app

    A fast react-redux webapp with charts & beautiful ui.

    User learning management mobile app

    Rebuilt the app with latest react-native version (not splash screen)

    Old Website

    My previous website

    Linux Training Challenge

    A few fun little challenges I built to teach people the basics of the linux shell

    Reddit Style Link Sharer

    A self-led project I did at BAE to help people share and evaluate info. Used Mongo, React, Node & Fastify

    AWS Tooling

    A small project at BAE looking at making use of the pwoerful cloud tools at AWS.

    Commercial React Web App

    Another medium scale project at BAE in a team of 5-7, builing a full stack react application. Used Mongo, React, Node, Express, Scrum.