

Software Career

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    Holistic AI

    July23 - Sept24

    Worked primarily on creation of, taking full ownership of frontend delivery for a large majority of it, and readying it for go to market. Also Aided across numerous other smaller projects, and supported continued development on Tracker whilst working on a large scale re-architecture.

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    Lucera (BGC Cantor)

    Sept22 - July23

    React/typescript Developer working on a fin-tech ticker, my primary responsibilities where to debug tickets, develop new & improve existing functionality, performance optimisation, improve and upgrade codebase to reduce technical debt, transition to new frameworks & libraries, and collaborate with backend developers to define APIs and data structures for efficient data presentation. I worked on two big refactoring projects, one to update CSS where I helped roll out Tailwind, which I myself pushed for due to the gains it provided on reducing technical debt in large projects. The second project was migrating an older in-house Grid to a third party AGGrid library and integrating it with async state using react-query. I managed to get this up and working quickly including matching existing data presentation and replicating sorting methods.

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    Asset TV

    May19 - August22

    Here at Asset TV, I’ve built on a react web app, building a react native app and worked on general site improvements. I’ve found the heavy focus on front end a nice challenge, and it’s really helped me get to grips with application design and software structuring, thanks in large part to some well experience colleagues. The work on the app used React native and it’s been great being able to throw my web app skills into developing mobile ready applications. There’s still sufficient jank around the whole process, but it felt pretty effective once I got to grips with some of the oddities of each OS (though I did gain a strong dislike of XCode). Before I had been more interested in a more fullstack focus, but given the chance to really nail down front end has made me appreciate the advantages of building a more narrow skillset.

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    Jun18 - May19

    Began role with a 3 month software training course which covered java, Swift, javascript (inc. MERN & Vue), testing & Scrum. My first project was a react app that interacted with network services, followed the design of the UI team via material-ui, and worked with the product owner to iterate the design and better the concept as the project rolled on. The second project, focused on using cloud tools to easily spin up resources via a react UI, the main focus was on getting the most out of AWS & including working with Lambdas, the AWS-API and Cloudformation.

Prior Career

Mostly in IT, but tried some odd jobs before I found where my skills best fit